Scenarios prepared by the RAG correspond to a specific data selection including visualization. Scenarios provide an overview and are used, among other things, for explorative data analysis. They are loaded dynamically from daily updated data, which can take a certain amount of time.

Scenarios for universities of the Old Empire (HRE) (1250-1550)

For each university of the Old Reich, the RAG creates its own scenario, consisting of all the scholars recorded (as defined by the RAG), the scholars divided into faculties (Artes, Law, Theology, Medicine), the nobles as well as the rectors, deans and professors.
With a mouse click on the desired scenario, a list of all corresponding persons is displayed. Their life and study data can be visualized on a map or timeline using the "Map" and "Chart" options. The data can be shown or hidden by clicking on the legend with the mouse. The selection "Start over" leads back to the scenario selection. By clicking on an individual person in the list view, their biographical information can be displayed and visualized.

Selected scenarios (1250-1550)

The following scenarios show exemplary evaluations and visualisations (maps, networks, time series) of the catchment and communication spaces of the universities as well as the study, impact and communication spaces of the scholars.